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We source private label metal polishing creams, sandpaper discs, custom buffing wheel safety flanges, and other metal polishing accessories.
Hilzinger America
Hilzinger-Thum has been making buffing and grinding tools for over 120 years and is one of the few companies recommended by Menzerna for buffing wheels. Using the highest quality raw materials available, Hilzinger America in Ohio continues their tradition by producing customized buffing wheels for Spectrum.
Lake Country Manufacturing
Lake Country Manufacturing is a privately-owned manufacturer of buffing and polishing products for the industrial; paint, body and equipment (PBE); detailing and consumer markets with more than 60 years of hands-on, in-the-trenches experience.
Menzerna Polishing Compounds
Menzerna has developed polishing compounds for over 135 years and is the largest manufacturer of solid compounds globally; they also produce automotive polishing compounds, gelcoat polishing compounds, and other chemicals to aid in refinishing and protecting coated surfaces.